David Mathers' Community

prize pool$0
Start DateJul 19, 2024
End DateJul 19, 2025

I am interested in questions around the future of AI, global catastrophic risks, and effective altruism. I'm a researcher for the consultancy Arb, who works mostly within the AI safety and forecasting spaces, as well as a professional forecaster. I'll probably focus mostly on AI questions here.

Note: This page belongs to a Community curated by David Mathers (@DavidA.B.Mathers) of Arb Research.

This page belongs to a Metaculus experiment in hosting Communities managed by volunteer curators. Think "subreddits, but for forecasting." They can have more flexible questions and resolution criteria and can focus on a broader range of topics than questions in the main feed. Community questions do not appear in the main Metaculus feed by default, but may be added. Forecasts on Community pages do not contribute to standings on the main leaderboards.

Because Community pages are managed by volunteer curators, questions about resolution criteria or definitions may not be answered in a timely manner—or may not be answered at all. Further, while the Metaculus Community Guidelines apply on these pages, Communities are meant to operate largely autonomously, and so comments should not be directed to @admins.

Have feedback or ideas on the Communities experiment more generally? Let us know at [email protected].

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